Ancient Aliens between Ages, Worlds and Lives

Recently, a good friend took me to a small village outside the town I am currently located in Mexico, on the foot of the closest mountain, giant hills cliffs the source of fresh water for where I live. I shall not be sharing names or exact locations, for I wish to protect those involved and also the area from where these artefacts were found.

We were walking in the desert campo, where my friend took me to meet one of his Mexican farmer friends who had a house and some land, we spoke to him about some work he was going to do for my friend, then casually my friend who I will name ‘Mr C’ said, “why don’t you show Carlita what you have found on your excavations as she loves that kind of stuff“. So, the farmer who I will name ‘Senor Pancho’, carefully brought out a box, the size of a milk crate and started taking out some old pottery artefacts. I looked at them, as he unwrapped the clothes around them, they looked like museum pieces, that you might find in Mexico city Anthropological Museum, he had found these in and around the mountain that he would take frequent expeditions to for his interest in archaeology. Then he took out bigger and bigger artefacts, made of different types of granite and volcanic rock.

Several were so enormous, I wondered how he managed to bring them down the mountain and carry them home, as you would not be able to take a vehicle where he found them, the Mexican indigenous, are very strong and healthy mainly because of his strong connection with nature and to the Earth. He kept bringing out more artefacts, I picked up and played an old ceramic animal whistle, while he uncovered large round what looked like boulders, wrapped in cloth. On a closer inspection these were heavy, granite, amazing stone hand carved heads, that were clearly non- terrestrial in nature.

He then unwrapped a head that was very different from the other three, this one was clearly not as old, it was also very large, which embedded Jade, and of the Aztec period. In itself, a very impressive find, I haven’t seen anything like it except in Mexico city Anthropological museum.

Then when I compared this Aztec head, and the other three, I was completely blown away, as I had also just relayed to my dear friend Mr C, a little snippet of the time when I remembered a past life, when I was doing my hypnotherapy training, in San Francisco, in 2010, I recalled in one of my past life regressions, my first Past Life Memory was a deeply unusual and profound experience with marine blue multi-dimensional light beings, that looked like extra-terrestrial beings. I met them between worlds or dimensions, between lives, they had the same faces as these carved faces, I was directly looking at, I do not know if it means they were the same beings, but it is my belief that a large aspect of extra-terrestrial visitations and contact is of a multi-dimensional nature, this is rarely discussed in talks or conferences on this topic.

It is my experience and observation that many of these alien contacts that indigenous people have had, were multi-dimensional, especially in Peru and Bolivia where you have these portals carved out of stone, that only open up when a skilled Shaman with secret frequency codes, will chant a specific frequency code, to open the granite door portals to other worlds or universes, such as at Aramu Muru, an abandoned stone doorway carved into rock, near Lake Titicaca, is known as “Gate of the Gods” . Read Life Path Frequencies

Sharing my Past Life Regression, I was regressed and expected to recall my past life memories as a child at Teotihuacan, as when I was a child between the ages of 8 and 13, I had reoccurring dreams about being sacrificed at the top of a pyramid surrounded by other pyramids in a mountain valley, it wasn’t until I was in my early twenties, that I discovered this place was real, as I saw a photograph of it on a friend’s kitchen wall, and my jaw dropped. This was before we had the internet, I asked them about it and they told me it was an ancient ruined pyramid city outside of Mexico city, so I went to the library and read all the archaeological books I could find on Teotihuacan, I was amazed that the map was exactly as I recalled all the details in my mind and from my dreams.

It is not right for a child who was not exposed to violence from television or films, to be recalling memories of having their heart ripped out, watching the blood pour down the pyramid steps and seeing a crowd of people way down below, wearing plumes of feathers and animal skins, when I recall looking at the crowd, I feel the fear and horror of that experience, I remember the drumming and chanting even. I also knew there were bodies buried at the four corners of the pyramid of the Sun, on top of which I was sacrificed to the powerful ancient Goddess of Water, Fertility and Seeds. She is now placed at the gates of the city of Teotihuacán, that was abandoned over 1600 years ago, in Aztec times, some believe she was Cihuacoatl, seen as symbolic of fertility, Goddess of rain and seed fertility, though her earlier Aztec and Olmec depicted her and other female goddesses like her as one of the earliest forms of Pacha Mama, all things nature, Mother Earth creating paradise and giving life.

I remember in my dreams, I was not the only one being sacrificed to her, there was another who was sacrificed at the same time as me. These were reoccurring dreams I had, memories, very vivid, and emotionally intense and profound, that I still remember today. Any intensive recall in a dream or a conscious recall, that holds potent emotion, is a past life memory. Not some fantasy or imagination, which doesn’t carry the same potent intensive emotions with it, these arise from our soul memories. My past life memories of Teotihuacan were one of the reasons that drew me to Mexico.

They were not the first past life memories I had at the actual past life training in San Francisco, what I remember there was also profound and involved very intensive deep emotional experiences. I was in another dimension, or world. It was a multidimensional space, not physical, where souls go before they come to Earth. I recall more the intense overwhelming feeling of love, that connected me and these blue alien looking light beings. they had black almond shaped eyes and these same features for noses and mouths, just slits that suggested a nose and mouth. They were tall and thin and I asked them, why do I have to leave home, they said, they were sending me to Earth to understand the nature of love, to experience love and to give love, and understand through my experiences what real love was. Apparently, that was my purpose here. What was confusing though, was I was experiencing immense love there in that realm, so strong and so powerful, it was too much for my human body and mind to cope with, it was making me laugh and cry as I recalled it into the room of the hypnotherapy training rooms, so much so, that everyone else in the room began to feel what I felt, that was coming into the room through that experience.

At the time, the blue light beings took a chord from my heart centre and were pulling at this chord, it gave me a sense of uncomfortable pain in my heart, they said they were removing that pain for me, to help me heal. What was quite incredible, is after that session, I had a red mark over my heart that manifested on my skin, it stayed for two weeks after that session. That showed that it was a multidimensional experience at the time I had the Past Life Memory, that was not really a past life memory but a simultaneous parallel world experience. That is the only way to explain it, to make sense of the red mark that appeared over my heart area afterwards. I hadn’t shared all these details with Mr C, just gave a brief outline of my memory, and that I referred to them as my ancient blue light soul family, my soul was with them before coming to Earth to be in this form, this life. It is possible to recall the places our souls go to between lives. I have several experiences like this, also during an outer body experience I had during an operation, I went to the dimensions or worlds between lives.

The fact, that moments ago, I had shared that with Mr C about these past life memories and now was seeing these exact same alien faces, I had seen in the interdimensional realms, yet these were in the form of carved rock.

To me this was very personal and felt that I was meant to see these, for one reason or another. The blessed farmer, that took his time to show us, he, himself is a special chosen gatekeeper and finder of ancient alien proof of prior contact with humans, prior visitations. Compared to the Aztec stone head, he uncovered, these carvings were clearly much older than 5 thousand years, maybe 8 or more? It was impossible to tell, but predated the Aztec stone head as it looked newer, less worn.

How they were carved, this is also a mystery, but why they were carved is not, if you meet strange beings like these, that is such a profound experience, it would drive any ancient human to be compelled to record the experience some how such as through a cave painting or a carving like this, for others like us, like the farmer, to see a legacy for the future generations.

This experience was a reminder of one of the reasons I am here, to directly experience through proof of the ancient knowledge, that we are far more than just descendants of primates, we are part of a grander cosmic family who we’ve been interacting with for millenniums, and this proof has arisen before now in Mexico as early as the 1940s and 1950s, by archaeologists, and even more recently larger stone figures which had full statues of aliens not just the head but the body also found in other areas of Mexico, these were slandered and called fake by some. Aside from the obvious, that these findings raise important questions not just about history but also humanity’s ancestral history and lineages.

Certain agendas and governments seem to hint at launching false flag agendas, in the future, priming us for their version of this. They only want their version of the story to be the ultimate one. Rather than the versions that raise important questions about who we really are and what our real history is. We may look towards ancient artifacts found in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and other parts of Mexico, we can look to ancient cave paintings and petroglyphs around the world, that clearly show signs and tell stories of ancient mysterious and odd looking beings that came from the sky, from the stars to impart knowledge or technology, or information of some sort that impacted people of those times so profoundly that they needed to record these visitations in this way.

The truth though is clear all through Mexico especially and Central and South America. Quite a few incidents of farmers, amateur archaeologists are finding these still.

Senor Pancho, he is smart, he knows of this repression I speak of and for that reason, he won’t share these findings with many locals as he doesn’t want officials digging around and trying to dismantle the evidence that clearly speaks for itself. Just by looking at these stone artefacts, the story is told, the message is complete.

I was very fortunate that I personally got to be one of the people to see and touch these rare items that speak of a very profound experience our ancient ancestors had with non terrestrial beings. For the small audience that read my blog, I know that you will appreciate this story and I hope it inspires you to pursue your own personal relationship with your soul’s past journeys and our collective ancestry as a humanity, as brothers and sisters, no matter what blood, creed, skin colour or nation we are from, as we are all one lineage connected to our cosmic ancestors who play a large part in our DNA coding, the part that scientists refer to as Junk DNA, it’s actually DNA that comes from off world species that may have been interfering with our evolution through time, perhaps genetically altering us as the stories of the Anunnarki speak of, the lost jigsaw puzzle pieces of some of our ancestry perhaps.

In the same region, where these stone alien heads were found, is a specially protected place with ancient granite standing stones, that the locals believe help people download information from these star people. I haven’t visited it or found it yet, if I do, I will share my experience of it soon. – CS

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If you would like to learn more about PLR Past Life Regression read here Past Life Regression

To make an enquiry for hypnotherapy, or numerology Life Path readings here


2 responses to “Ancient Aliens between Ages, Worlds and Lives”

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